Sunday, October 20, 2019

Export Table to other Server: SQL SERVER

STEP 1: Right Click on Source database. Here you will see some Options. 

  Click on Export data.

STEP 2: A wizard will open. click on next button.

STEP 3:  Here the Source Of data need to choose. Give the credentials and select the database.

STEP 4: Continued of step 3. Choose the Source database.

STEP 5: In this step you have to choose the destination database. Give the credentials and select the database.

STEP 6: In this step the table need to choose. From which the data will be transfer. Notice the right side is the table name which will be on the destination server.

STEP 7: Keep Click on next.

STEP 8: Here the process will be started.

STEP 9: After the process is done this screen will be showed. click on close.

Now go to the destination database server. Execute: Select * FROM theTableName

Wednesday, October 2, 2019


: Xamarin App Development
: R&D on new technologies
: File Management Systems
: gHRM New Features ; Rich text box, New Reports , Process on sql server side.
: gBanker : R&D: Add rich text Box, Using Ajax: On Select Member Show Photo and Signature.
: SMS: gHRM and gBanker New Module.
: Voice Data collection : Hisab.
: gHRM plus Attendence system and Time Picker add.
: digital signature add. Canvas to Crystal report.

Screen Record

 Windows Screen Record WindowsKey+ Alt + R Recording Starts.