Wednesday, June 15, 2022

Site Not Reach


Localhost Site not reached if web application runs.

Solution: Go to C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc 

Open 'host' File

Add  ' http://localhost:54499/'

Monday, June 13, 2022

Age Duration Calculator SQL

 Function IN SQL:



--SELECT [dbo].[GetYearDuration] (REPLACE(CONVERT(Date,e.DateOfBirth,103),' ','-')  , REPLACE(CONVERT(Date,e.FirstJoiningDate,103),' ','-') ) as JoiningAge          


--FROM Employee e          

--WHERE e.EmployeeId = 3734       


--SELECT [dbo].[GetDurationYear_Month_Day]('06 June, 1985', '04 July, 2020')   

--SELECT [dbo].[GetDurationYear_Month_Day]('01 April, 1960', '26 March, 1986')   



ALTER FUNCTION [dbo].[GetDurationYear_Month_Day]           


   @FromDate1 nvarchar(20), @ToDate1 nvarchar(20)          


RETURNS NVARCHAR(300)          



   Declare @Message NVARCHAR(300) 


if isDate(@FromDate1) = 1 and isDate(@ToDate1) = 1


Declare @FromDate DATETIME, @ToDate DATETIME 

SET @FromDate = @FromDate1

SET @ToDate = @ToDate1

DECLARE @date datetime, @tmpdate datetime, @years int, @months int, @days int

Declare @currentdatetime datetime  

--SELECT @date = '15-Jun-1986'

set @date = @FromDate


set @currentdatetime = @ToDate 


 -- @date = REPLACE(CONVERT(Date,e.DateOfBirth,103),' ','-'),


 -- @currentdatetime =  REPLACE(CONVERT(Date,e.FirstJoiningDate,103),' ','-')                                  

 --  FROM Employee as e WHERE e.EmployeeId = 26380 --12390 



SELECT @tmpdate = @date

SELECT @years = DATEDIFF(yy, @tmpdate, @currentdatetime) - CASE WHEN (MONTH(@date) > MONTH(@currentdatetime)) OR (MONTH(@date) = MONTH(@currentdatetime) AND DAY(@date) > DAY(@currentdatetime)) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END

SELECT @tmpdate = DATEADD(yy, @years, @tmpdate)

SELECT @months = DATEDIFF(m, @tmpdate, @currentdatetime) - CASE WHEN DAY(@date) > DAY(@currentdatetime) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END

SELECT @tmpdate = DATEADD(m, @months, @tmpdate)

SELECT @days = DATEDIFF(d, @tmpdate, @currentdatetime)


SET @Message =  CAST(@years AS VARCHAR(4)) + '-' + CAST(@months AS VARCHAR(4)) + '-' + CAST(@days AS VARCHAR(4)) 

END -- END if



SET @Message = 'Problem With Date:GetDurationYear_Month_Day'


RETURN @Message;


Age Calculator Javascript

Javascript Code:     

                        let EPOCH = new Date(0);

                        let EPOCH_YEAR = EPOCH.getUTCFullYear();

                        let EPOCH_MONTH = EPOCH.getUTCMonth();

                        let EPOCH_DAY = EPOCH.getUTCDate();

                        var dob = document.getElementById("BirthDate").value;

                        var birthDate = new Date(dob);

                        const diff = new Date( - birthDate.getTime());

                        var years = Math.abs(diff.getUTCFullYear() - EPOCH_YEAR);

                        var months = Math.abs(diff.getUTCMonth() - EPOCH_MONTH);

                        var days = Math.abs(diff.getUTCDate() - EPOCH_DAY);

                        $("#Result").html(years + " year(s) " + months + " month(s) " + days + " and day(s)").css("color", "red");;


 <div class="col-md-3">

                <div class="form-group">

                    @Html.LabelFor(model => model.BirthDate, htmlAttributes: new { @class = "control-label", @autocomplete = "off" })<span style="color:red; font-size:15px;"> * </span>

                    <div style="margin:.1%;" id="Result"> </div>

                    @Html.EditorFor(model => model.BirthDate, new { htmlAttributes = new { @class = "form-control" } })

                    @Html.ValidationMessageFor(model => model.BirthDate, "", new { @class = "text-danger" })




Wednesday, June 8, 2022

Update Employee Table




  @InitialData Table(    

    RowNum   int  IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL , 

  EmployeeCode  nvarchar(20)


INSERT INTO @InitialData

SELECT [Employee Code] FROM NXTRPTEmployeeProfile WHERE  [daysIN Zone Office] is NULL


  DECLARE @RowSl INT    

     ,@Count INT    


SET @RowSl = 1    

SET @Count = (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM @InitialData)    


WHILE @RowSl <= @Count    


declare @currentEmployee varchar(20)

SELECT @currentEmployee = [EmployeeCode] FROM @InitialData WHERE RowNum = @RowSl

Update NXTRPTEmployeeProfile SET [daysIN Zone Office] = dbo.GetZoneOfficeDurationKF1Days(@currentEmployee)

WHERE [Employee code] = @currentEmployee

SET @RowSl += 1    

END -- End While    

Screen Record

 Windows Screen Record WindowsKey+ Alt + R Recording Starts.